A biodynamic – social therapeutic initiative introduces itself:
Caring for the earth and people in a healing manner
The active members of the initiative have set themselves this task, as have the founders of the Lucia Association for the Promotion of Healthy Healing (founded in 1990)

In a beautiful meadow valley lies an old hamlet that the monks of the Maulbronn monastery helped to create. One of the four properties could be acquired by the Lucia Association.
Original in German:
Lebendiges, erquickliches, liebliches Tal —
Sonnenstrahl trifft Dich rein – uns beglück!
Natur – hier zu Haus, Mensch find’ zu sich zurück.
Wir pflegen sie beide mit dem Kosmos im Verein
hier Spiegel – dort Urbild
werdendes, strebendes Wachsen soll’s sein.
Translated with translate.google.com
Lively, refreshing, lovely valley —
sunbeam hits you in – we are happy!
Nature – here at home, people find a way back to themselves.
We care for them both within a cosmic whole
mirror here – archetype there
and growing, striving, it should be.
Wessel von Loe
The maintenance and health of our cultural landscape through biodynamic cultivation, and bringing earth and cosmos into a flowing river, is very important to us.