… provide impulses
… Shaping the future
The LUKAS Foundation for human-appropriate medicine was created in today’s need of humanity, which has set itself the goal of placing the focus on people as a unity of SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY.
- What is beneficial for humans?
- How can he stay healthy, get healthy and appear healthy?
- What does he need in order to actively connect the cosmos and earth in such a way that healthy things can arise?
Each of us is addressed here.
The foundation wants to support initiatives that address such questions and seek answers.
Brief portrait of Dr. Wessel von Loe

Dr. med. Wessel von Loe is an anthroposophical gynecologist and obstetrician. He is chairman of the board of the LUKAS foundation for human-appropriate medicine based in Maulbronn, whose foundation sponsors are mainly doctors. In the joint mistletoe research group, the foundation doctors have addressed the mistletoe host tree question as reflected in the moods of the soul. This work resulted in a publication “Mensch, Mistel, Wirtsbaum”, which is available in the Schneider editions. After a long period of support, the foundation doctors were also able to implement the ISOREL® project. The proven Austrian mistletoe preparation has been available to patients again since October 2023.